Annual Council Meeting between Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) and Guangxi Normal University (GXNU)

Thursday, 30 January 2025

The annual Council Meeting between Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) and Guangxi Normal University (GXNU) that was conducted alternately, was held on January 9th, 2025 the 9th floor of Graha Rektorat. 

The meeting was attended by some representatives from both universities, and the delegates from Guangxi Normal University was led by Li Xianxian, the Vice President of GXNU. 

In emphasizing one of UM’s goals about global partnerships to enhance the educational quality, the first agenda of the Council Meeting was conducted to discuss the discuss the yearly report of the collaboration which contains the contains the previous year report evaluation and the further planning of Pusat Bahasa Mandarin UM in the following year. Another agenda to enrich the cooperation between UM and GXNU was the discussion on Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) renewal. 

Furthermore, to achieve a sustainable and mutually beneficial long-term partnership with GXNU, this Council Meeting also developed

The collaboration expansion to other faculty in UM, such as Faculty of Engineering (FT), Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS), and Department of Art and Design from Faculty of Letters (FS). 

Token of appreciation from UM
Token of appreciation from GXNU
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