UM Students Participate in 2024 INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL at Pukyong National University, South Korea

Busan, South Korea.ย  Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) proudly announces that two of its distinguished students, Annisa and Eko, are currently participating in the 2024 International Summer School (ISS) at Pukyong National University (PKNU) in South Korea from 24 July -...

5 Unique Things You Get From International Summer Camp Activities

Many international students are hyped when it comes to learning new languages and cultures. Thus, summer camp will be the perfect option for them. "Membatik" activities on UM iCamp 2023 Do you dream of experiencing new cultures and languages firsthand?ย  For many...

Pengumuman Penting: Penundaan Pengumuman Penerimaan Beasiswa UM ISS 2024

Dear Applicants, Thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication throughout the UM ISS Scholarship 2024 application process. We have been truly inspired by the passion and commitment shown by each applicant. Your eagerness to contribute to our academic community is...

[UM iCamp 2024 Audience with Malang Regency government]

On Wednesday, June 12, Office of International Affairs Universitas Negeri Malang carried out a meeting regarding the implementation of the UM iCamp 2024 with the Regent of Malang Regency, the Head of the Malang Regency Education Office, and the Head of the Malang...


[OPEN APPLICATION FOR BIPACOMSI] Do you want to engage deeply with Indonesian culture, contribute to meaningful community projects, and build a network of international friends? Join BIPACOMSI (BIPA, COMMUNITY SERVICE & INTERNSHIP) for an unforgettable journey!...

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[OPEN APPLICATION FOR BIPACOMSI] Do you want to engage deeply with Indonesian culture, contribute to meaningful community projects, and build a network of international friends? Join BIPACOMSI (BIPA, COMMUNITY SERVICE & INTERNSHIP) for an unforgettable journey!...

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International Inbound Mobility

Mahasiswa internasional adalah mahasiswa yang datang dari luar negeri untuk belajar di UM. Memberikan kontribusi yang tak ternilai bagi pendidikan, kebudayaan dan perekonomian.ย 

Global Immersion Experience

Merasakan keterlibatan secara global bagi mahasiswa, staf, dan dosen melalui serangkaian program dan beasiswa yang tersedia untuk Anda.


Explore various scholarships available to pursue in Universitas Negeri Malang

What We Do

at the Office of International Affairs, we are dedicated to delivering global services that meet the unique needs for the internationalisation of the institution. Click the button below to find out more.

Tentang kami

Selamat datang di Kantor Urusan Internasional Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), Indonesia. Berperan sebagai pusat inti untuk segala hal yang bersifat internasional, kami membina koneksi global dan mewujudkan aspirasi internasional mulai dari membantu mobilitas mahasiswa dan staf masuk dan keluar internasional hingga mengatur kerja sama internasional. Dengan tim profesional, kami berdedikasi untuk memupuk kolaborasi internasional yang memperkaya jejak internasional Universitas Negeri Malang.


UM sangat terbuka untuk menjalin kerjasama dengan universitas dan institusi pendidikan lain di seluruh dunia.

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