Study at The University of St. Andrews United Kingdom

Rabu, Februari 7 2024

On Tuesday, 6th February 2024, the Office of International Affairs, Universitas Negeri Malang, held an info session entitled “Study at The University of St. Andrews United Kingdom” which was attended by at least 30 students. This event was held in the Hall on the 1st floor of the Graha Rektorat Building. The Session itself was attended by Dr. Lesley Thirkell as Director of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies The University of St. Andrews as a speaker.

The event started with an introduction of The University of St. Andrews, explained by Dr. Lesley Thirkell. In this session she explained about the history of the establishment of The University of St. Andrews, habits that are often done by Scottish people including students, and various facilities provided by the University. Then she also explained the various achievements possessed by The University of St. Andrews, such as being ranked 1st in the UK for Sport Science (THE World University Ranking) and 3rd in the UK for Education (2024 Complete University Guide) and several excellent study programs that are included in the top 5 best in the United Kingdom, such as Art and History, English, C International Relations, Modern Languages, a d Psychology. In addition, she also explained the various student activities at The University St. Andrews which has around 150 Clubs which are quite interesting and cover many fields, such as art, music, sports, charity, education, politics, and so on. In addition, she also explained the various courses available at The University of St Andrews, for example the Summer School program which always starts in June where participants will always be given additional foreign language classes at night. Then she also explained other programs such as MSc TESOL Programmes which have specializations such as English Medium Instruction, Teaching for Young Leaners, English for Academic Purpose, Assessment and Evaluation, and Technology for Teaching.

Lastly, Dr. Lesley Thirkell hopes that the Info session entitled “Study at The University of St. Andrews United Kingdom” can increase participants’ interest in continuing their studies at The University of St. Andrews.

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