Hari Indonesia Dari Nias Melalui Madura ke Yerusalem: Bagaimana Indonesia Membentuk Perjalanan Antropolog

Jumat, Juli 17 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020 – 2:00 PM (GMT+7)

MALANG – Office of International Affairs of Universitas Negeri Malang has successfully held an Indonesian Day event on July 2, 2020. “From Nias Through Madura to Jerusalem: How Indonesia Shapes an Anthropologist’s Trip” was chosen as the theme of this event with the aim that international students could get to know more about the journey of an anthropologist from Germany, named Dr. Mirjam Lucking, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who has traveled and conducted research in several regions in Indonesia as well as researching, evaluating, and establishing public policies regarding human origins both physically, socially, linguistically, culturally, and also customs that exist in several regions in Indonesia, which are Nias, Yogyakarta, and Madura.

The event began at 2:00 PM (GMT+7) online via Zoom because for now, Indonesia was undergoing Quarantine Day during the Covid-19 pandemic. The event was started by the direction of the MC and the moderator was then continued with remarks and opening from Dr. Mirjam Lucking followed by a presentation about her explanation as a German anthropologist who wanted to research several regions in Indonesia in detail. She also shared the screen through the Power-Point Presentation that she had made by showing photographs and documentation from her trip while in Indonesia. She talked a lot and shared her experiences from the beginning of landing her feet in Indonesia, then continued to the story where she visited Nias, learned the traditions of the society there, researched and sought information about the Aceh Tsunami, which caused many fatalities and also the impact on the society itself. The story continued when she traveled to Yogyakarta, Central Java, and visited Universitas Gadjah Mada at that time and also examined the social and cultural aspects of the society there, which of course had a different culture from Nias people. Last, she visited Madura, East Java, and found contrasting differences in social, cultural, and religious aspects. She said that from some of the regions that she visited, the Madurese were a bit harsh in speaking, attitude, and also the culture. She also explained in this meeting that she found many diverse cultures and customs in each region in Indonesia. Therefore, she was very pleased to have the opportunity to do her research in Indonesia and share her experiences at this event.

The event was ended at 4.00 PM (GMT+7) which previously held QnA sessions for the audience before who wanted to ask all kinds of their questions to Dr. Mirjam. Several audiences asked questions to her and were immediately answered right away by herself also in detail. The audience seemed enthusiastic listening to her explanation and story even though the meeting was conducted through Zoom that day. Even though it was done online, it did not prevent the audience’s enthusiasm from attending the meeting.

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