Indonesian Day 5 – Bermain Bersama di OIA

Jumat, Oktober 11 2019

On The 5th Indonesian Day, Office of International Affairs Universitas Negeri Malang invited all UM international students to play together at OIA – which was also the theme of the event. This event was successfully held on Friday, October 11st, 2019, in the Meeting Room of Office of International Affairs UM, Sasana Budaya 1st floor. Almost all international students from various programs at Universitas Negeri Malang participated in this Indonesian Day event with enthusiasm. Those programs are the Erasmus++ 2019, UM International Student Scholarship 2019, Indonesian Flagship Language Initiative (IFLI) from AMINEF USA that managed by BIPA Faculty of Letter UM, Transfer Credit Yala Rajabhat University 2019, Panda Practical Training GXNU 2019, 3+1 GXNU 2019, Darmasiswa 2019/2020, and Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB) 2019.

Students played various games, those are the Introduction Game and Puzzle of Peta Indonesia. At the Introduction Game, students formed a large circle then danced around to the music. After the music stoped, they introduce themselves by mentioning names and gestures that describe themselves. This game was very exciting and fun. The committee also participated in enlivening the game. Introduction Game aims to help students get to know each other, especially from students who come from different programs.

The next game is Puzzle of Peta Indonesia. At first, students were divided into five groups. Each group gets one paper and one marker to draw a map of Indonesia, which had previously been displayed on the screen, within three minutes. Next, each group must go to five posts to get a piece of one island from each post. To get a piece of the island, they must answer the question given at the post correctly. The fastest group who set the map of Indonesia is the winner. This game was won by 5th group, followed by four other groups. This Puzzle of Peta Indonesia Game aims to introduce the territory of Indonesia which consists more than seventeen thousand islands, mainly five large islands in Indonesia, namely Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua.

All groups got the prizes from the game. This event was continued by the testimony from student representatives. The students were very pleased with this event. They really enjoyed the games really hoped this event would be held again. Thank you for the participation of all participants and organizers of the 5th Indonesian Day. See you at the next Indonesian Day!

id_IDBahasa Indonesia