LPDP Scholarship

Senin, Desember 24 2018

LPDP Scholarship

LPDP is a fellowship program focused on human resource growth in various fields that support Indonesia’s development.

General requirement:
1. Healthy, free of illegal drugs and TBC
2. Holds recommendation letter
3. Holds and chooses field parallel to LPDP’s focus
4. Signs the statement letter
5. Be under the age limit
6. Has finished the prerequisite degree
7. Meets the GPA requirement
8. Holds English proficiency certificate
9. Writes study plan and essays

Fields of study:
1. Engineering
2. Sciences
3. Agricultural
4. Medical and health
5. Accounting and finance
6. Law
7. Religion
8. Education
9. Social
10. Economics
11. Culture, arts, and linguistics

Situs web: http://beasiswa.lpdp.kemenkeu.go.id/

id_IDBahasa Indonesia