UM Conducted a Studium Generale “Nasionalisme dalam Pergaulan Antar Bangsa” and Eazy Intal Service for International Students

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Thursday, September 7th 2023

The Office of International Affairs Universitas Negeri Malang (OIA UM), in collaboration with UPT Lapasila and UPT Perpustakaan, held a Studium Generale entitled “Nasionalisme dalam Pergaulan Antar Bangsa”. The event featured a presentation by Mr. Silmy Karim, the Director General of Immigration Indonesia. The event was held in the auditorium of FMIPA in the B20 building and was attended by students from UM as well as international students, lecturers, faculty members, and representatives from other universities.

The Audience singing the Indonesian National Anthem, Indonesia Raya.

The event commenced with a rendition of the Indonesian national anthem, Indonesia Raya. Following this, Prof. Dr. Hariyono, M. Pd, the Rector of UM, delivered an opening speech that underscored the significance of nationalism intertwined with internationalism. The Rector emphasized the value of international students as opportunities for collaborative learning, viewing them not as a threat, but rather as catalysts for knowledge acquisition and cross-cultural understanding. 

The opening speech also served as the inauguration for the “Easy Intal” service, which was the first service at UM. Through this service, UM collaborates with the Immigration Office of Malang City to assist ITAS (Izin Tinggal Terbatas/Temporary Stay Permit) service for international students. After the insightful speech, the event continued with a souvenir exchange and documentation.

The Rector of UM, Prof. Dr. Hariyono, M. Pd, is Giving a Souvenir to Mr. Silmy Karim.

In the main event, Mr. Silmy Karim presented a lecture titled ‘The Importance of Nurturing Nationalism in the Context of International Interactions in the Globalization Era’. Mr. Silmy stated that the Immigration Office will improve its competitiveness by creating innovations such as Golden Visa and Global Talent Visa. Golden Visa aims to attract qualified foreigners to invest in Indonesia and offers a 5-10 year residence permit. On the other hand, the Global Talent Visa aims to attract competent international students with high GPA to contribute in Indonesia.

Mr. Silmy Karim is Delivering a Lecture.

After the lecture, the event continued with a question and answer session with local and international students, followed by a game session. The event concluded with a press conference by Mr. Silmy Karim, which was covered by various media.

Press Conference about the Easy Intal conducted by Mr. Silmy Karim.

The Rector of UM and Mr. Silmy Karim are visiting the Eazy Intal Booth.

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