ReelOzInd – Change: Let’s Think Critically, Let’s Interpret Smartly Freely

Saturday, November 2 2019

The Australia-Indonesia Centre in collaboration with Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) – the Office of International Affairs (OIA UM) and the Department of English UM, had successfully held a film screening and discussion, namely, ReelOzInd (Australian-Indonesian Short Film Festival) in A3 Building, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Letters, UM. ReelOzInd offers academics and students in Malang a broader exposure about Indonesian-Australian film co-production. It is the first short film festival to bring Australian and Indonesian filmmakers together to share their work and stories in the same forum. This event invited 4 outstanding speakers to discuss with the participants: Mahesa Desaga (Malang filmmaker), Herditya Wahyu Widodo, S.S., M.A. (Universitas Negeri Malang), Aubrey Kurniawardhani (Universitas Negeri Malang), Raynaldi Yudhistira (Universitas Negeri Malang).

Around 200 participants, including some lecturers of the Department of English UM and students in Malang attended this event. ReelOzInd was officially opened by the Head of the Department of English UM, Dr. Suharyadi. After that, the Director of OIA UM, Dr. Evi Eliyanah, gave a brief description about the event. ReelOzInd is a co-production film between Australia and Indonesia. The theme of this year ReelOzInd is Change. Participants will gain their knowledge more about film. Moderated by Faizah Zakiyah Darojad (Universitas Negeri Malang), ReelOzInd presented 11 films to be discussed: ​Home​ (Best Young Filmmaker), ​Melangun​ (Special Mention Fiction), Pilgrimage​ (Special Mention Fiction), ​Perabuan/ On Ashes​ (Special Mention Documentary), ​Bad Hair Day​ (Special Mention Animation), ​My name is Mohamed and Raghad, We don’t exist here anymore​ (Best Fiction), ​Munchies​ (Special Mention Animation), ​Divergensi​ (Special Mention Young Filmmaker), ​Polychromatic​ (Special Mention Documentary), ​A Daughter’s Memory​ (Best Film, Best Animation), and ​Posko Palu​ (Jim Schiller Prize for Best Collaboration between Australian and Indonesian Filmmakers) (Best Documentary).

Those 11 short films attracted the participants and the speakers to have a panel discussion. They shared their ideas about short films. A short film is an effective film to deliver the message of the film. In interpreting a film, the viewers can have different ideas from the filmmaker about the message, and it is fine. As long as it still brings the theme. In filmmaking, the filmmaker should understand the essence of the film and gain more knowledge (by reading, experiencing a specific situation, or others). That’s the spirit of the film. A film is a medium of a message.

ReelOzInd is the first event in UM discussing about film. Hopefully, it can be an annual event inUM. It is a part of education. Let’s watch a film, let’s think critically!

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