Salma Al Mardhiyyah as UM delegation in SEA Teacher Batch 8 2019 in Thailand

Monday, December 2 2019

Hello Sobat OIA!

Malang (12/2/2019). Salma Al Mardhiyyah, a student from English Department, Faculty of Letters 2016, Universitas Negeri Malang has succeeded to be a representative of Universitas Negeri Malang in the student exchange program titled SEA Teacher Batch 8 2019. She was one of four students who were delegated by Universitas Negeri Malang to Chiang Rhai Rajabhat University, Thailand for teaching English in Chiang Rhai Municipality School 2 for one month.

SEA Teacher stands for South East Asean Teacher. SEA Teacher Project or  “Pre-service student exchange teacher in Southeast Asia ” is a project that aims to give students pre-service teachers from the university in Southeast Asia to have teaching experience (practicum) in Country schools in southeast Asia.

The SEA Teacher program is organised by SEAMEO and held twice in a year, which is in August-September and December-Januari. This program can only be followed specifically for those who have studied “education” at Univesitas Negeri Malang. Meanwhile, if you want to register, you can contact the head of your departement in your faculty. Or register through the official SEA Teacher website at

There are several advantages that will be gained if you successfully join the program. First, you can wide your networking because you’re going to meet new people who have work in education like teachers or mentors. Even teachers and mentors are willing to provide facilities if they want to conduct research in their place someday. Second, introduce Indonesia to the world. During her stint, she briefly danced Jaipong to introduce Indonesian culture. The third advantage is the certificate, there are two certificates that will be get by joining this program. The first certificate was received from the University of duty and second from SEAMEO. Especially for a certificate from SEAMEO will be given if it has completed its duty, get a good value from the University of Duty and write a blog related to the activities performed on duty.

In addition, the fourth profit is being able to participate in the university Essay competition that serves as a place to follow the Batch SEA TEACHER alumni. During the interview, Salma said that the place to follow up this year is at the State University of Lampung. Thanks to her determination and struggle finally Salma managed to win the 2nd General champion. Besides the prize money the big prizes also got a certificate. The fifth advantage is to earn pocket money from the campus during the assignment. The transportation, administration and lodging money will be borne by Universitas Negeri Malang.

Meanwhile, if you are interested and want to register this program in December later. There are some suggestions given to succeed in the selection process. Such suggestions include;

1. Intention. Just make sure that your intention is to teach willingly and advance education especially in the region of Southeast Asia. Start thinking what can I do in terms of education or teaching? If you have a unique and innovative teaching method, you have to do that and practice it later on duty. If you have a unique and creative learning media that is not boring, develop it and practice it while on duty.

2. Make sure you can speak English, at least show TKBI or other English discussing ability test. Because later on duty will be more often used English than Bahasa Indonesia.

3. The more it has the experience of teaching it better.

4. Often ask the information of this program or other student exchange programs at the head of each department.

For more information and registration date can be accessed at the following link

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