WORKSHOP Settling Research Proposal and Make Efforts to get Letter of Acceptance for Pursuing Doctoral Degree Abroad

Saturday, December 28 2019

MALANG – The second workshop Universitas Negeri Malang’s lecturers who aim to pursue their doctoral degree abroad was held on December 18th 2019 at Graha Rektorat UM (Aula B2). The workshop started at 8 in the morning as Mrs.Evi Eliyanah, the director of International Affairs UM, gave her opening speech.

In this second workshop program, lecturers got the chance to know more about scholarship programs, both which are managed by national or international organizations, for those who want to pursue their doctoral degree abroad. This explanation was made in order to widen UM’s lecturers knowledge about each scholarship program. The first session presented by Mrs. Utami Widiati for Faculty of Letters. She is an interviewer for LPDP scholarship programs since 2016. In her session, she told the lecturers about how the interview works in LPDP and some suggestion that might be done by the participant during the interview. After that, there were a lot of information from Mrs. Astri Anindya Sari (Australian Awards Scholarship), Mr. M. Muchson (Fulbright Scholarship), Mr. Husni (Monbugakusho/MEXT Scholarship), Mrs. Ani Wilujeng (Beasiswa Dikti/BUDI LN), and Mr. Nandang (scholarship provided by university). This workshop was not only about getting some information, in this workshop all lecturers were doing their proposal together with their mentor.

This workshop was closed at 4.15 pm by Prof. Dr. Heri Suwigno, M.Pd selaku, Vice Chancellor 2 UM. He hoped by doing this workshop, UM could develop all the lecturers’ potential and make the education’s quality better in Indonesia.

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