Berdasarkan hasil probation yang telah dilakukan selama dua minggu pada tanggal 25 Januari - 6 Februari 2021, berikut daftar peserta lolos program Internship OIA UM: Batch 8 Daftar Lolos Probation Internship OIA UM Batch VIII: Selamat...
Author: Publikasi

CSC Scholarship 2021 in Tianjin University
We are pleased to invite alumni and staff (academic and non-academic) of UM to apply for CSC Scholarship. CSC scholarship is a scholarship program offered by the Chinese Government under the Chinese Scholarship Council for international students worldwide....
Chinese Language And Chinese Culture Course
Organised by Pusat Bahasa Mandarin Universitas Negeri Malang (PBM UM), in collaboration with OIA, the classes are open for UM students (except Chinese language major), lecturers, and staff. Due to the pandemic of Covid-19, the classes will be conducted virtually via...
Halo Sobat OIA! Apakah kalian ingin memberikan kontribusi untuk ASEAN? Atau kalian suka berpartisipasi dalam program relawan dan latihan kepemimpinan? ASEAN Youth Organization (A.Y.O) adalah sebuah wadah yang bertujuan untuk membentuk suatu jaringan yang luas bagi...
Hi peeps! Do you want to do something for ASEAN? Do you like volunteering and leadership program? The ASEAN Youth Organization (A.Y.O) is an organization who aims to establish an ASEAN-wide network of youths who will serve as the point lead for outreach in a...
Excursion and Cultural Study of International Students Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) 2019 to Karimunjawa
Malang – International student of Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) conducted an arts and culture study in Karimunjawa. This annual program was made for KNB and Darmasiswa students, and in this year’s program they had the opportunity to visit Karimunjawa Island for 3...