Many international students are hyped when it comes to learning new languages and cultures. Thus, summer camp will be the perfect option for them. "Membatik" activities on UM iCamp 2023 Do you dream of experiencing new cultures and languages firsthand? For many...

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UM IPF 2022
Application for an international postdoctoral fellow at UM is open for those who:is a non-Indonesian citizenhas obtained a doctoral degree within the past 5 years at the time of application has published at least one (1) international publication at internationally...
OIA EduTalk: Ease Your Way Abroad with Scholarships
Malang - The Office International Affairs, Universitas Negeri Malang, conducted “EduTalk: Mudah Studi ke Luar Negeri dengan Beasiswa” to give students a broader understanding of what it takes to study abroad on September 21, 2021. This event was made possible by a...